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Weight Loss Tea

Artikelnummer: 002
36,00 €

Introducing our revitalizing and slimming blend of natural ingredients with our unique Weight Loss Tea. Crafted with care, each component offers distinct benefits that support your wellness journey:


Infused with the invigorating warmth of **Dried Ginger**, our tea sparks your metabolism, enhancing calorie burn naturally. **Dried Butterfly Pea** provides a burst of antioxidants, fortifying your body and aiding in weight management. Meanwhile, **Dried Pandanus Leaf** gently aids digestion, reducing discomfort and supporting nutrient absorption.


Savor the refreshing zest of **Dried Lemongrass**, known for its digestive benefits and uplifting flavor. **Dried Peppermint** complements this blend, curbing cravings and soothing the stomach, making healthy choices easier.


Enhancing these qualities, **Safflower** boosts metabolism, helping your body work efficiently toward your goals. Sweetness without guilt is achieved with a touch of **Licorice**, ensuring a delightful taste without added sugar.


Experience the vitamin-rich essence of **Star Fruit** and **Dried Lime**, fortifying your body with essential nutrients. **Noni Leaf** contributes a wealth of vitamins and minerals, supporting overall vitality.


As you sip, allow **Baby Chrysanthemum** to gently detoxify, aiding in purification and rejuvenation. Finally, **Guava**, rich in fiber, contributes to a satisfying, full feeling, helping you manage your appetite naturally.


This exquisite tea blend is more than a beverage—it’s a holistic approach to wellness, supporting your weight loss journey with each soothing sip. Embrace a healthier you with our Weight Loss Tea, crafted to nourish body and soul.

Join our sacred ritual by leaving your name for blessings from a revered Sudra priest (optional)

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1. **Dried Ginger**:

   - Metabolism Boost: Ginger is known for its ability to increase metabolism, which can aid in burning calories more efficiently.


2. **Dried Butterfly Pea**:

   - Antioxidant Support: Rich in antioxidants, butterfly pea helps combat oxidative stress, potentially supporting overall health during weight loss efforts.


3. **Dried Pandanus Leaf**:

   - Digestive Aid: Pandanus leaf contains antioxidants that can promote healthy digestion, reducing bloating and discomfort that may accompany dietary changes.


4. **Dried Lemongrass**:

   - Digestive Support: Lemongrass supports digestion, easing stomach troubles and enhancing nutrient absorption, making it easier to maintain a balanced diet.


5. **Dried Peppermint**:

   - Appetite Control: Peppermint can help suppress appetite, reducing cravings and overeating tendencies.

   - Digestive Aid: Peppermint also aids in digestion, reducing discomfort and bloating.


6. **Safflower**:

   - Metabolism Boost: Safflower may enhance metabolism, potentially aiding in burning more calories and promoting weight loss.


7. **Licorice**:

   - Sweetness without Sugar: Licorice can add natural sweetness to the tea without adding sugar or calories, making it a satisfying and guilt-free treat.


8. **Star Fruit** (Dried):

   - Vitamin Boost: Star fruit is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which can support overall health and immunity during weight loss.


9. **Noni Leaf**:

   - Nutrient Support: Noni leaf is rich in vitamins and minerals, providing essential nutrients that support the body's functions during weight management.


10. **Baby Chrysanthemum**:

    - Detoxification: Chrysanthemum can aid in detoxification, helping to flush out toxins and support the body's natural cleansing processes.


11. **Dried Lime**:

    - Vitamin C Boost: Lime provides a burst of vitamin C, promoting skin health and supporting the immune system during weight loss.


12. **Guava** (Presumably dried):

    - Fiber and Nutrient Boost: Guava is rich in fiber and nutrients, aiding in digestion and providing a sense of fullness, which can support weight management.


Combining these ingredients into a tea blend can create a flavorful, aromatic beverage that supports weight loss efforts by promoting metabolism, aiding digestion, providing antioxidants, and controlling appetite. As with any dietary supplement, it's important to incorporate this tea as part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.


1. In a teapot or a pot, combine all the dried ingredients.
2. Pour boiling water over the mixture.
3. Let it steep for 5-7 minutes to extract the flavors and nutrients.
4. Strain the tea into cups.
5. Optionally, add licorice for sweetness.
6. Enjoy your metabolism-boosting weight loss tea!

Remember to consume this tea as part of a balanced diet and active lifestyle for the best weight loss results. It's also a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your diet, especially if you have any underlying health conditions.


Weight Loss Tea Meditation:

Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can sit undisturbed with your cup of weight loss tea. Close your eyes and take a deep breath in, filling your lungs with fresh air. As you exhale, release any tension or stress you may be holding onto.

Now, bring your awareness to the warmth of the tea cup in your hands. Feel its comforting weight and texture against your palms. Take another deep breath in, inhaling the aroma of the tea. Let the fragrant steam fill your senses, awakening your mind and body.

With each sip of tea, visualize yourself nourishing your body with health and vitality. Imagine the tea's natural ingredients working together to support your weight loss goals, gently guiding you towards a healthier lifestyle.

As you continue to drink, let go of any negative thoughts or self-doubt surrounding your journey to wellness. Allow yourself to be present in this moment, embracing the warmth and comfort of the tea as it flows through you.

With each sip, affirm to yourself that you are worthy of love and care, and that you deserve to feel healthy and vibrant. Picture yourself radiating with confidence and vitality, knowing that you are taking positive steps towards achieving your goals.

With gratitude in your heart, take one final deep breath in, savoring the last sip of tea. As you exhale, open your eyes with a sense of renewed energy and purpose. Carry this feeling of empowerment with you throughout your day, knowing that you are supported by the healing power of nature and the strength within yourself.

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